Spell Your Name
Grabbed this tag from Carlota
Spell your name using these letters:
A: Best Gf/Bf any one could have
B: You love a certain someone
C: People cant help but check u out
D: You are really lovable
E: You Are Great
F: Easy to fall in love with
G: You never let people tell you what to do
H: You have a very good personality and good looks
I: People love you
J: People Adore you
K: You’re wild and crazy
M: Handsome/Beautiful
N: Easy to fall in love with
O: Best kisser ever
P: You are popular with all types of people
Q: You are a hypocrite
R: You love to kiss
S: You are freakin crazy
T: You are loyal to the ones you love
U: You really like to chill
V: your not judgmental
W: You are popular
X: You never let people tell you
Y: Sexiest bitch alive
Z: Never good enough…
My Result:
A- Best Gf/Bf any one could have
Y- Sexiest bitch alive (huwat?!?)
Y- Sexiest bitch alive (well..I'm sexy, but I'm sure, I'm not a bitch :D)
N- Easy to fall in love with
Go grab and see what your name means :D
Friday, October 24, 2008
1 Kind Word(s):
hahaha. sexiest bitch alive pala ha. pero wala sa iyong personalidad sis ang pagiging b pero sexy pwede pa. hahaha.
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