What Your Handbag Says About You

Women love bags. I guess you'll agree to that. When we shop our list would always include either shoes, dress, and bags. I guess like me, you have your own collection of bags {signature or not}. but what does your collection says about you?

I saw this quiz on Blogthings and had fun doing it. I agree with what it says about me :)

What Your Handbag Says About You

You tend to be relaxed throughout the day. You are naturally at peace.

You are a high maintenance person. You feel lost outside of your normal environment.

You are practical and down to earth. You tend to be a rather reserved and quiet person.

You are a very unique and special person. There's no one else who is anything like you.


1 Kind Word(s):

Periwinkle Studio said...

Oh my, I need to take the quiz, but I change bags so often in search of the 'perfect' one...which doesn't exist! What will it say? ...off to find out! ...:)