My loots finally arrived!
Well, these are just some of the things for baby #2! :)

Thursday, December 17, 2009 | Labels: Loots | 0 Comments
28 Weeks.

I was also able to watched a video clip of inside the womb for babies on week 28 from
Anyway, Christmas is coming and the season's activities also tires me. My OB noticed that as well so she advised me to have enough rest which I will do. I'll start my Christmas vacation next week. But as of now, I'm happy that I'm now approaching my last trimester. Only 85 days to go!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009 | Labels: Pregnancy | 0 Comments
Convenient shopping..that's for me.
We all know that this time of the year is the busiest time for most people. Shopping malls are jam-packed even bazaars are crowded with shoppers. And maybe some people especially those with delicate conditions like me (I’m 7 months preggy now), will just have to avoid the crowd and do their shopping at the comfort and convenience of their home. How? We’ll a lot of stay-at-home moms that I know are into online shopping now. There are a lot of sites in the internet where you can find the best gifts for your loved ones like shopwiki.

Saturday, December 12, 2009 | Labels: Christmas, Shopping | 0 Comments
26 weeks! {98 days to go!}

Wednesday, December 02, 2009 | | 0 Comments
Now, Printing's made easy!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009 | Labels: Tips | 5 Comments
24 Weeks.
Yes, 'm on my 24th week of pregnancy, meaning I'm already 6 months preggy. Three months to go, lol!
As for me, I gained 3 kilos from last month's check-up. My belly is bigger and I'm eating a lot! :D I also had my fourth painful leg cramps attack last night, huhu! My OB said that leg cramps usually happens when a preggy mommy lacks calcium so she advise for me to drink non-fat milk everyday..haaaay.
Anyway, I'm excited for my ultrasound, think I won;t wait until December to do it. Maybe I'll have it next week...
Friday, November 20, 2009 | Labels: Pregnancy | 0 Comments
Be prepared.
Well I must say, it's informative and at the same time, gave the attendees a little scare. As you all know, we live in Marikina and honestly, I'm quite sentimentally attached to this city. For one, I grew up here. And two, it's near to where I work. But the study that they presented to us showed that the city is among the areas in the country that is prone to flooding and earthquake (because of the Marikina Fault Line). At the end of the forum there where questioned raised. There are some who were scared about the earthquake and the damage it will cause, there were some who seek advised if they should relocate, etc. I could sense that they are really scared.
As for me, I beleive that no one can predict when such things will happen. Only God knows. We just need to be prepared physically, emotionally and most specially spiritually, and set the recent catastrophe as a benchmark in our planning and preparation.

Friday, November 13, 2009 | Labels: thinking out loud | 0 Comments
22nd Week.

I also bought some pregnancy clothes last week. I can't find some of my clothes that I lend to to my sisters, and they haven't returned all of them so I need to buy some. As always, pregnancy clothes are still pricey :D.
As for the baby, I can feel it move every time I eat something. It rolls and moves a lot now. Some says it's a boy because of his "moves" though some says a girl. Anyway, my ultrasound schedule is still on December so let's wait and see who will guess it right. I'm excited! :)

Monday, November 02, 2009 | Labels: Pregnancy | 0 Comments
20th Week.

Monday, October 19, 2009 | Labels: Pregnancy | 0 Comments
Wanting That Bathroom Suite

Wednesday, October 14, 2009 | Labels: House | 0 Comments
Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy
Anyway, here are some other foods that pregnant women should avoid according to American Pregnancy:
What are the foods I should avoid during pregnancy?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 | Labels: Pregnancy | 1 Comments
19 Weeks and my first leg cramps.
I searched about leg cramps and here's what I got from
Why am I having leg cramps during pregnancy?
No one really knows why women have more leg cramps when they're pregnant. It's possible that your leg muscles are tired from carrying around all of your extra weight. Or they may be aggravated by the pressure your expanding uterus puts on the blood vessels that return blood from your legs to your heart and the nerves that lead from your trunk to your legs.
Leg cramps may start to plague you during your second trimester and may get worse as your pregnancy progresses and your belly gets bigger. While these cramps can occur during the day, you'll probably notice them most at night.
How can I prevent these cramps?
Try these tips for keeping leg cramps at bay:
- Avoid standing or sitting with your legs crossed for long periods of time.
- Stretch your calf muscles regularly during the day and several times before you go to bed.
- Rotate your ankles and wiggle your toes when you sit, eat dinner, or watch TV.
- Take a walk every day, unless your midwife or doctor has advised you not to exercise.
- Avoid getting too tired. Lie down on your left side to improve circulation to and from your legs.
- Stay hydrated during the day by drinking water regularly.
- Try a warm bath before bed to relax your muscles.
- There's some evidence that taking a magnesium supplement in addition to a prenatal vitamin may help some women. Check with your provider before taking any kind of supplement during pregnancy.
You may have heard that having leg cramps is a sign that you need more calcium, and that calcium supplements will relieve the problem. Though it's certainly important to get enough calcium, there's no good evidence that taking extra calcium will help prevent leg cramps during pregnancy. In fact, in one well-designed study, pregnant women taking calcium got no more relief from leg cramps than those taking a placebo.
What's the best way to relieve a cramp when I get one?
If you do get a cramp, immediately stretch your calf muscles: Straighten your leg, heel first, and gently flex your toes back toward your shins. It might hurt at first, but it will ease the spasm and the pain will gradually go away.
You can try to relax the cramp by massaging the muscle or warming it with a hot water bottle. Walking around for a few minutes may help too.
What if the pain persists?
If your muscle pain is constant and not just an occasional cramp — or if you notice swelling or tenderness in your leg — call your practitioner. These may be signs of a blood clot, which requires immediate medical attention. Blood clots are rare, but your risk is higher during pregnancy.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 | Labels: Pregnancy | 0 Comments
This was the song the made my faith stronger during those times last week..and I want to share this with you...
Hide me now
Under your wings
Cover me
within your mighty hand
When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with you above the storm
Father you are king over the flood
I will be still and know you are God
Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know his power
In quietness and trust

Monday, October 05, 2009 | Labels: Inspirational | 0 Comments
18 Weeks...
For now, I believe that we're okay. I'm just praying that nothing happened with my baby.

Monday, October 05, 2009 | Labels: Pregnancy | 0 Comments
Amoxicillin during pregnancy...
According to
An Overview of Using Amoxicillin During Pregnancy
Amoxicillin (Amoxil®, Moxatag™) is a prescription antibiotic. It is usually considered to be safe for use during pregnancy, although the full risks are not currently known.
Amoxicillin and Pregnancy Category B
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) uses a pregnancy category system to classify the possible risks to a fetus when a specific medicine is taken during pregnancy. Pregnancy Category B is given to medicines that have not been adequately studied in pregnant humans but do not appear to cause harm to the fetus in animal studies.
When large doses of amoxicillin were given to pregnant rats and mice, the medication did not cause any problems. Studies have shown that amoxicillin crosses the placenta (to the baby) in humans, but it does not appear to cause problems. Although amoxicillin has not been systematically and adequately studied in pregnant women, case reports and surveys seem to suggest that amoxicillin does not increase the risk of birth defects or miscarriages.
However, since amoxicillin has not been adequately studied in pregnant women, it is possible that it may have negative effects that are not currently known. Therefore, a pregnancy Category B medicine should be given to a pregnant woman only if a healthcare provider believes that the benefits to the pregnant woman outweigh any possible risks to the unborn child.

Friday, September 25, 2009 | Labels: Health, Pregnancy | 0 Comments
15th and 16th Week.
I wasn't able to update last week, I was soooo lazy.
Here's an info about Urinary Track Infection according to American Pregnancy:
A urinary tract infection (UTI), also called bladder infection, is a bacterial inflammation in the urinary tract. Pregnant women are at increased risk for UTI's starting in week 6 through week 24.
Why are UTI's more common during pregnancy?
UTI's are more common during pregnancy because of changes in the urinary tract. The uterus sits directly on top of the bladder. As the uterus grows, its increased weight can block the drainage of urine from the bladder, causing an infection.
What are the signs and symptoms of UTI's?
If you have a urinary tract infection, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms:How will the UTI affect my baby?
- Pain or burning (discomfort) when urinating
- The need to urinate more often than usual
- A feeling of urgency when you urinate
- Blood or mucus in the urine
- Cramps or pain in the lower abdomen
- Pain during sexual intercourse
- Chills, fever, sweats, leaking of urine (incontinence)
- Waking up from sleep to urinate
- Change in amount of urine, either more or less
- Urine that looks cloudy, smells foul or unusually strong
- Pain, pressure, or tenderness in the area of the bladder
- When bacteria spreads to the kidneys you may experience: back pain, chills, fever, nausea, and vomiting.
If the UTI goes untreated, it may lead to a kidney infection. Kidney infections may cause early labor and low birth weight. If your doctor treats a urinary tract infection early and properly, the UTI will not cause harm to your baby.
How do I know if I have a UTI?
A urinalysis and a urine culture can detect a UTI throughout pregnancy.
How is a UTI treated?
UTI's can be safely treated with antibiotics during pregnancy. Urinary tract infections are most commonly treated by antibiotics. Doctors usually prescribe a 3-7 day course of antibiotics that is safe for you and the baby.
Call your doctor if you have fever, chills, lower stomach pains, nausea, vomiting, contractions, or if after taking medicine for three days, you still have a burning feeling when you urinate.
How can I prevent a UTI?
You may do everything right and still experience a urinary tract infection, but you can reduce the likelihood by doing the following:
- Drink 6-8 glasses of water each day and unsweetened cranberry juice regularly.
- Eliminate refined foods, fruit juices, caffeine, alcohol, and sugar.
- Take Vitamin C (250 to 500 mg), Beta-carotene (25,000 to 50,000 IU per day) and Zinc (30-50 mg per day) to help fight infection.
- Develop a habit of urinating as soon as the need is felt and empty your bladder completely when you urinate.
- Urinate before and after intercourse.
- Avoid intercourse while you are being treated for an UTI.
- After urinating, blot dry (do not rub), and keep your genital area clean. Make sure you wipe from the front toward the back.
- Avoid using strong soaps, douches, antiseptic creams, feminine hygiene sprays, and powders.
- Change underwear and pantyhose every day.
- Avoid wearing tight-fitting pants.
- Wear all cotton or cotton-crotch underwear and pantyhose.
- Don't soak in the bathtub longer than 30 minutes or more than twice a day.
Hope this will help us get informed preggy moms!. And remember that we should not neglect if we had this infection.

Friday, September 25, 2009 | Labels: Pregnancy | 0 Comments
14 Weeks.
The baby is good, I'm good! That's good to hear.

Thursday, September 10, 2009 | Labels: Pregnancy | 3 Comments
A Wise Online Shopper is a Satisfied Shopper.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009 | Labels: Shopping | 0 Comments
Watch Movies Free

I was intrigued with the film, "The Proposal" so I checked if I can watch it online. And luckily, I found this site: But there's only a limited time to view the film. After 72 minutes of watching, you'll have to wait another 52 minutes for the movie to reload. Also the copy is not digitally clear. And because I don't like waiting too long, I checked for other sites and found this one: The copy is not clear as well, and the film was divided in three parts but it buffers much faster and I was able to watch it uniterrupted. Also, unlike other sites, there's no ads and other gimmicks for one to watch a film like answering surveys, being a member so one can log in, etc.
Some movies that are being uploaded in the internet are not the original copy. In short some are just recorded in theaters. The only benefit of watching it online is to see if it's okay and if you'll get your money's worth if you intend to watch it or purchase the original dvd copy.
"The Proposal" is one hilarious, must see movie that I'll make sure to get the original dvd copy.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009 | Labels: great stuff, Internet | 0 Comments
13 Weeks.
And here's what says on my pregnancy at 13 weeks:

If you're having a girl, she now has approximately 2 million eggs in her ovaries; she will have only a million by the time she's born. She'll have fewer eggs as she gets older, and by age 17, the number will have dropped to 200,000.
As for you, the fog may be lifting, so to speak. For many women, the side effects of early pregnancy – frequent urination, intense fatigue, nausea – diminish sometime in the second trimester. Your uterus (womb), while large enough to announce to onlookers that you're indeed pregnant, isn't so huge that it gets in your way. Even though birth is months away, your breasts may already start making colostrum, the fluid that will feed your baby for the first few days before your milk comes in.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009 | Labels: Pregnancy | 0 Comments
12 Weeks.
Ok..I'm updating again :)
My next OB check up will on Sept. 5. And as for the little peanut, here's what babycenter says about it now.
Your baby's face is beginning to look more human (Medline 2009), even though she is only about 5.4cm long from her crown to her rump and weighs slightly less than 14g. Her eyes, which started out on the sides of her head, have moved closer together. Her ears are almost in their normal position on the side of her head (Hill 2009; Visembryo 2006). Her liver is making bile and her kidneys are secreting urine into her bladder.
Your baby squirms if your belly is prodded, although you cannot yet feel movement. Fetal nerve cells have been multiplying rapidly and the neurological connections in her brain (synapses) are forming. Your baby has acquired more reflexes: touching the palms makes the fingers close, touching the soles of the feet makes the toes curl down and touching the eyelids makes the eye muscles clench (Medline 2009).
Your midwife can now feel the top of your uterus (womb), also known as the fundus, low in your belly. As you enter the second trimester, you may find yourself donning looser, less restrictive clothing. Soon you won't be able to fit into your old clothes any more.
You may now find that once the sickness feeling has passed, your appetite returns. Find out how to eat well over the next few weeks.

Monday, August 24, 2009 | Labels: Pregnancy | 1 Comments
Morning Sickness
The queasiness is now becoming an "All Day Sickness"
Anyway, here's some facts about "Morning Sickness":
About three quarters of pregnant women experience nausea and sometimes vomiting during their first trimester. The nausea usually starts around six weeks of pregnancy, but it can begin as early as four weeks. It tends to get worse over the next month or so.
About half of the women who get it feel complete relief by about 14 weeks. For most of the rest, it takes another month or so for the queasiness to ease up, though it may return later and come and go throughout pregnancy. (From
Home treatment measures for morning sickness:
- Changing what, when, and how much you eat.
- Taking ginger, vitamin B6, or vitamin B12, which are known to reduce nausea and/or vomiting during pregnancy.
- Avoiding foods and smells that make you feel sick.
- Trying acupressure, which seems to work for some women.
- Taking doxylamine with vitamin B6, which you can buy without a prescription. Talk to your health professional before taking this remedy. (from

Tuesday, August 04, 2009 | Labels: Pregnancy | 1 Comments
Using Public Toilets

Thursday, July 30, 2009 | Labels: Health | 0 Comments
8 weeks.
I'm eight weeks pregnant and according to here's my baby and my condition now:
How's your baby growing
See what's going on in your uterus this week. (Or see what fraternal twins look like in the womb this week.)
Note: Every baby develops a little differently — even in the womb. Our information is designed to give you a general idea of your baby's development.
How your life's changing:

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 | Labels: Baby #2, Pregnancy | 0 Comments
I'm back!
I'm excited and I hope that I'll get a smooth sailing journey.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 | Labels: Baby #2 | 0 Comments
Thursday Thunks #2
1. Do you know anyone with heterochromia? Does it freak you out or do you think it's interesting? I don't think I know someone, I don't even know what's heterochromia is :D
2. Should a 5th face be added to Mount Rushmore? If so, who? Obama? :D
3. If you could live on any planet other than earth, which one would you choose and why? If Pluto is livable maybe there, it's quite small than earth, perhaps it won't get too crowded.
4. We're going to spend the night at a reportedly haunted location, are you going with us? I'm scared....:D I won't
If so, which reportedly haunted place are we going?
5. Did you play The Queen's Meme this week? If so, was it fair of The Queen to put Berleen in the dungeon by association with Kimber? (We all know Kimber deserved it, but Berleen?!) Was not able to play the Queen's Meme, I cannot relate, lol!
6. What color is the towel(s) hanging in your bathroom? Pink and white.
7. Tell us something funny that happened to you recently. Oh..nothing funny happened lately...but the way the little girl talks everyday is something that make us laugh everyday.
8. We just bought you a cow. Do you kill it & grill it, feed it & milk it, or sell it? Feed and milk it first then sell it.
9. It's 115 degrees outside (46 degrees Celsius), are you able to go without Air Conditioning? No.....
10. When you visit the zoo do you wonder which animal tastes better with a bit of butter & spices? Eeew...I don't imagine eating them :D
11. Dog ate your homework/work papers. Does it crap out Shakespeare, quantum physics, or just crap? just crap..I don't work on papers lately
12. We are taking you to a broadway show, what are we going to see? Les Miserables or Ms. Saigon
13. Gunshots in your neighborhood. Pop, pop, pop. Do you go out to take a look, or hide? Hide first, when all is clear, I'll check what happened.
Join here.
Thursday, July 16, 2009 | Labels: Thursday Thunks | 0 Comments
Goodbye MJ...

I know this is quite late but my heart is still grieving after watching the memorial last night. I'm not a fan of Michael Jackson but I grew up with his music...and now I'm beginning to understand and appreciate his life and his contribution.
Two things I'm pondering about his death..One, we do not own our lives. Once God took it, we cannot hold it back. We may have plans for the future but God is still the author of our lives. And two, its really true that you only understand the value of a person once he's taken away from you. Jackson has gone through a lot of criticism but now he was being loved, praised and applaud.
He's now gone forever but his music and his memories will live on.
Good bye, Michael Joseph Jackson.....

Wednesday, July 08, 2009 | Labels: Life | 1 Comments
Creative Mom Award
A nice start of the week...Thanks for this award Vannie :)
Here are the simple rules:
- Take your award and put the logo on your post.
- Link the person who awarded you. Remember each recipient of the award should acknowledge the person who honored them and go to Mom’s Special Diary to copy and paste the award.
- Put your own blog title and link.
- Nominate at least five deserving moms.
1. Mom’s Special Diary 2. The Mommy Journey. 3. Niko’s Blog 4. Pensive Thoughts 5. Random WAHM Thoughts. 6. Blog Appetite 7. The Baby in Between 8. Fun|Fierce|Fabulous 9. My Discoveries 10. Your Blog
End Copy
I'm passing this on to Mai, Jona, Mye, Toni and Lilet.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009 | Labels: Tag | 3 Comments