Chikai's Birthday Game
Get a chance to win some cash! How? Chikai's holding a Birthday Game and its so easy to join! Read on...
Here are the rules:"As promised, here are the mechanics of my Birthday Game! At stake is $26 worth of PayPal money. Two players will win $10 each and another player will win $6. To qualify, just follow these simple rules."
1. Blog about this contest. You don’t have to write a lengthy post. A few sentences will do. At the bottom of your entry, list down all my blogs and link them to their respective URLs.
Cherry’s Comfort Zone
Thinking Out Loud
DigiScrapz: Captured Memories
Buzzy Me
Wishing and Hoping
Fab Finds, Etc.
2. Once you have published the entry on your blog, let me know by leaving a comment on this post. Remember, you can earn one entry per blog so the more blogs you own, the more chances of winning!
3. And lastly, all entries should be in by September 1 at 11:59pm (-7 GMT). The names of the lucky winners will be announced on September 2 (my bday!).
So what are you waiting for, join na din! :)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
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