Goodbye 2008, hello 2009!

Happy New Year Everyone!

And so we bid goodbye to 2008 and says hello to 2009. And with that I believe most of you are into making or "editing" your new year resolutions.

As for me I don't make new year resolutions. But to those of you who already made one, here's a site that will help you keep on track.

I learned about this when I was listening to my fave radio station and they suggested this site.

Because we tend to forget about the promises ang goals we set during the new year, we need something to constantly remind us of those new year resolutions. Hiaspire will remind you of your resolutions through email. With that you can be sure that you'll be able to achieved your goals and met your resolutions throughout the year.

Lastly, let's thank God for His goodness during 2008 and let's continue to hope and pray for a blessed 2009 ahead of us.


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