MQW6 - Meeting the Challenge of Motherhood
Nice's question of the week goes…
What adjustments did you make in your life to fit the role of a mother? Can you share some tips to make your tasks easier?Here's my thoughts on this question:
When I became a mother I had to do a lot of adjustments. I became more careful about the things I say or do…the environment that my baby is into and the people around us. I learned how to stretch my patience…how to prioritize…how to budget…I became interested in things that will make me become a more responsible and good mother, reading different books and articles, searching for parenting guidelines, etc. I started to like things about motherhood and parenting. I thought less of my self and more about my family.
Of course, everyday we learn new things. Just by reading articles in book or the internet, or hearing stories from different mothers or parents, nuggets on parenting can be learned. But of course not everything is appropriate to us so we can just pick those that are fitting to our way of living and parenting style.
Here are some of the things I’ve learned:
- Don’t go with the flow. Be practical. Not because everybody is raving about something, it’s the best. Not because everybody is using it nor have it you should also have it. I mean, if you can afford it then get it. But you must study first if it’s necessary or just a waste of money.
- Like Nice, I learned to become Reasonable. Sometimes I feel guilty that I am a working mom. I feel guilty of leaving my baby to the care of a nanny but looking into the benefits of my present work, I’m having second thought of giving it up knowing that my salary also contributes to our finances. Maybe if we are confident enough that hubby’s salary can sustain us, I’ll won’t have any more second thought and be a SAHM or maybe a WAHM
- Stay connected. Because I am a working mom, I find it helpful to have a daily phone call to my baby and her nanny. It’s my way to find out how my baby's doing and a good way to stay connected to her. It eases the pressure of work loads when I’m able to talk to her and at the same time, my baby is assured that I am still with her even though I’m at work.
- Be there. Don’t let your children become “emotional orphans.” It is possible to be home a lot and not really be there. Children won’t remember how clean the floor was, but they will remember the quality time that you spent with them. That’s why I always see to it that when I’m at home, I play with my daughter, feed and bathe her, listen and communicate and pay attention when she’s talking to me
- Get organized and be consistent. Decide what NOT to do, when you tend to overdo. I have been doing this when I was still single and now that I got more responsibilities I find this very helpful specially that hubby's away and I'm temporarily running the household alone. I make a daily to-do list dividing it into tasks for work and tasks for home. I write in a notebook and also put it on my phone calendar. That way I am able to identify what I need to do, what can wait — and what I can skip entirely. I also created a weekly meal plan and a daily activity plan for my baby and her nanny to do everyday. I may not able to personally do this with her but through this I’m able to identify what they are doing even if I’m not around.
- Have a time for yourself. Don’t feel guilty to relax when necessary. We need it. Having a time for ourselves also help us think reasonably.
- Get help. Let’s admit that we want to be the best mom in the world but we are not a SUPERMOM! As for me, when I’m uncertain about something, I asked my mom or my sisters. When I am having a hard time with my daughter, I tell my husband what I feel. When I’m sad or overwhelmed confuse or bothered by something, I always seek help.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008 | Labels: MQOW, Parenting Nuggets | 0 Comments
Mom's Real Spa Treatment
Eds passed this funny made me smile :D
If going to the spa is beyond your budget, try at-home treatments…
::: Eyebrow Threading :::
::: Body Wrap :::
See..that’s the REAL Spa treatment!!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 | Labels: Funny, Tag | 0 Comments
Coke Olympic Contour Glasses from McDonald's

Kainis!! Sayang ang value meal..hmpf!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 | Labels: thinking out loud | 0 Comments
Friday Fill-Ins#6
- I believe whatever doesn't kill you is worth a careful thought before trying.
- If you're good at something, be productive at it and share it to others.
- Why so serious?
- Something is out there, it's Opportunity knocking at my door!
- If my life were a sitcom, it would be titled Why? Oh, That's Why.
- Sitting on my back porch [if you don't have one, use your imagination] I see my daughter playing with her bicycle, her dad behind her making sure she's not going to fall.
- And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to my post birthday celebration at church with my friends fiesting with baked mac and garlic bread I prepared, tomorrow my plans include try fixing my pc, visiting my parent's house, and going to the mall, and Sunday, I want to go to church and have a rest after.
Visit here for more FF participants.

Friday, July 25, 2008 | Labels: Friday Fill-Ins | 3 Comments
Who is responsible for what?
- Responsibility lies on a continuum between child and parent, and where it lies on the continuum changes over time. The child's only responsibility at the beginning of life is to need and to take in the sources of life; parents have total responsibility for the child. As the child begisn to assert himself, learn tasks, and become more self-sufficient, he takes more ownership of his life and the parent take less. Around the beginning of the teen years, the parent actively begins "de-parenting", that is exchanging a controlling role in the child's life for an influencial one. By the time he reaches the late teens, the child should be taking over total responsibility for his behavior, finances, morality, and relationships
- Eventhough responsibilityshifts, both parents and children still have their own unique and distinct tasks. Parents provide safety and love, and they also structure experiences to help the child mature. The child responds to these experiences, takes risks, fails, and learns lessons. Parent;s and children can't do each other's job; they must do their own. Parents who ask their child if it's okay to be a parent are in trouble. The question, "Is it alright with you if I set a curfew?" does not show parental authority. And the child who tries to take responsibility for her parent's feelings also has a problem.
- The child must bear the ultimate responsibility for his life. No parent is perfect, and all children suffer some injuries along with the benefits they recieve from their parents. early childhood experiences are life-changing. In major ways they determine the kind of adults children grow up to be. Yet, in the end, a child will be evaluated not as much on his circumstances and environment, but on how he responded to what life handed out: Did he love? Did he practices stewardship? Did he gorw, change and forgive?
The bible says that at the end of life, we will be called to account for the good and bad we did in life (2 Corinthians 5:10). While your child is coming to terms today with what his tasks are and are not, he always needs to be moving forward full responsibility for his life and soul.
an excerp from the book: Raising Great Kids: A Comprehensive Guide to Parenting with Grace
Wednesday, July 23, 2008 | Labels: Parenting Nuggets | 0 Comments
Yen's Question of the Week #24

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 | Labels: YQOW | 0 Comments
Friday Fill-Ins #5
- Oh, I can't wait until I have a new DSLR camera:D.
- Water is the first thing I see when I open my refrigerator. (lol!)
- I never leave home without my wallet and mobile phones.
- If I were a condiment, I would be salt because without salt, a lot of food would taste bland. And to relate, I know I'm important just like the salt.
- Drivers who do not respect pedestrians and pedestrian lanes is really high up on my list of pet peeves.
- The last thing I thought of before I went to bed was my conversation with hubby.
- And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to watching my favorite tv show, tomorrow my plans include general cleaning of the house and Sunday, I want to go to church then watch DVDs at home

Friday, July 11, 2008 | Labels: Friday Fill-Ins | 12 Comments
Easy Chicken Binakol
I wanted to cook chicken differently so I tried "Chicken Binakol". I think this dish originated from Batangas. It's like chicken stew with fresh buko meat. I was not able to take a photo of the finished product since after a few minutes of serving it at the dinner table, it was gone! :D
Anyways, here's the recipe:
1/2 kilo Chicken
1 fresh buko (juice and meat)
1 large potatoes peeled and cubed
1 cup of fresh tomatoes sliced
3/4 cup kamias sliced
1 onion sliced
pepper corns
a dash of salt
half of 1 knorr chicken cube
In a saucepan, combine all ingredients except chicken cube. Cook in high temperature until broth thickens. Lower the heat, add chicken cube and simmer until chicken is tender. Serve. (Cooking time is 20-30 minutes :D)
My brother-in-law love it and even requested me to cook it again :)

Friday, July 11, 2008 | Labels: Recipe | 0 Comments
Luck Me, Lucky You, Lucky Us.. Lucky Lamp!
I got this lucky lamp tag from C.A...thanks sis! :)Alakazam!
And now, the genies are back with a special gift for everyone! Behold the sacred, Magic Lamp of Luck! With this magic lamp, your blog will enjoy much good luck and fortune, warding off all things evil lurking around in the blogosphere. We would like to share this magic lamp with you so please pass on the Magic Lamp of Luck to those in need of some good luck. Remember, do not be greedy or unkind, evil or vengeful and good luck & fortune will always be with you! Join us on another exciting magical adventure as we spread goodwill and good luck to one and all!
1. Add your site(s) to the list once you have received the Magic Lamp of Luck.
2. Pass on the Magic Lamp of Luck to as many people as you like. After all, everyone needs some good luck!
3. Leave a comment HERE once you’ve passed on the Magic Lamp of Luck. Once the Genie King and Genie Princess have visited your site to make sure your links are complete and proper, you will then be added to the Master List.
4. To ensure everyone receives equal link benefit, please UPDATE your list regularly!
I'm passing this to Lutchi, and Lilet :)

Thursday, July 10, 2008 | Labels: Tag | 1 Comments
Friday Fill-Ins #4
1. Holidays in the summer are a great time to schedule family reunions.
2. Hotdogs, barbeque and corn in cob are my favorite things to grill.
3. My thoughts are filled with apprehensions, about getting a new house, thinking of our finances and thinking of quitting my job.
4. A fun day at the mall is what I'm most looking forward to this weekend!
5. My favorite book so far this summer is none, haven't started a book yet.
6. Praying is the best way to begin a day.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to a great rehearsal for Sunday's service, tomorrow my plans include visiting a house for sale with an agent, and bonding with my daughter and Sunday, I want to go to church.
Visit here for more Friday Fill-Ins Participants!
Friday, July 04, 2008 | Labels: Friday Fill-Ins | 6 Comments
For Jaden, a poem
For Jaden
I am someone who wants to be
Beside you everyday
I am someone who wants to be
Yourdefender, comforter and friend
I am someone who wish to share
My time and all for you
I am someone who wants to teach
Everything you need to know
I am someone who wants to give
All the best that life can bring
I am someone who wants to lead
In achieving your dreams small or big
I am someone who wants to know
Every tiny details about you
I am someone who loves and care
Nourish, protect and just be there
I know I can't be with you every minute, every hour
Not quite yet, but just one thing...
For you my daughter, I can be anything
Coz you’re my child, my sweet little darling…I love you, my Jaden...

Thursday, July 03, 2008 | Labels: Retrospect, thinking out loud | 0 Comments