Halo-Halo Nut Roll
We had this delicious snack kanina. One of the delicious snack I tasted that is sobrang daling gawin.
You will need:
1/2 cup nata de coco
1/4 cup langka
1/2 cup ube halaya
6 pcs. lumpia wrapper
oil for frying
Cream sauce: Combine-
1/4 cup Condensed Milk
1/2 cup All purpose cream
1/2 cup nuts chopped (peanuts or pistachios will do)
1. Drain nata de coco well. Set aside.
2. Put about a tablespoon of nata de coco, langka and halaya in a lumpia wrapper, roll up and seal edges with water.
3. Heat oil and deep fry rolls until golden. Drain excess oil in paper towels and serve with the prepared sauce.
I got this recipe from Nestle Club and it was simply deliciuos so try it now. :) It's a great dessert for Media Noche.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008 | Labels: Recipe | 0 Comments
The Brown Raise Seminar
All in all it was a great seminar that I wished every Filipino will be able to hear. That's one of my prayer so that the Filipino race will not lose their pride and dignity as Filipinos and will love thier country like Rizal did.

Saturday, December 20, 2008 | Labels: Brown Raise | 0 Comments
What is the Brown Raise?
The Brown Raise is a movement to CREATE A NEW PATH for the Filipino people -- that his world need not always have to revolve around the shallowness of money, pleasure, and survival, but that he us also capable of remarkable character, dignity, honor, visions for humanity and depth of nationhood.
The Brown Raise is a movement that seeks to unlock the secrets and strengths of a race and country which was once called, "the pearl of the orient seas", and to discover and pursue the Philippines' unique contribution to the hall of nations.
The 21st century Global Pinoy must have the spirit of the Brown Raise...the same spirit that Rizal, our national hero possessed from childhood.
--excerpt from the Brown Raise Handbook--

Friday, December 19, 2008 | Labels: Brown Raise | 0 Comments
Friday Fill Ins #102
1. Friends are those I work with everyday.
2. maintain good health; it's the key to long life.
3. I'm ready for the challenges of tomorrow. I feel rested today.
4. Burbery Weekend is one of my favorite perfumes or aftershaves or smells.
5. The oldest ornament I have is none.
6. Take some crush ice, milk, sugar, and mango slices, mix it all together and you have mango shake.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching I love Betty La Fea, tomorrow my plans include bonding with my daughter and Sunday, I want to clean up my closet!
More fill ins here.
Friday, December 12, 2008 | Labels: Friday Fill-Ins | 0 Comments
Avoid the Hassle
So go online shopping now with shopwiki.

Thursday, December 11, 2008 | Labels: Tips | 1 Comments
The Spirit of Bear-iuca
Mariuca invited me to join in passing on the Spirit of Bear-iuca Meme
BEAR-iuca, BEAR-iuca, we’d love you to come live here!
Please play along with us by following a few important rules:
1. Add your site(s) to the list once you have received the Spirit of BEAR-iuca badge of teddy bear cheer.
2. Pass along the Spirit of BEAR-iuca and his cheery badge to as many people as you like.
3. Leave a comment HERE once you’ve passed on the Spirit of BEAR-iuca.
4. Once Roxy and the Genie Princess have visited your site to make sure your links are complete and proper, you will then be added to the Master List.
4. To ensure everyone receives equal link benefit, please UPDATE your list regularly!
1. Mariuca 2. Roxiticus Desperate Housewives 3. Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery 4. Roxy’s Best Of... 5. Bay Head Blog 6. Roxiticus Best Blogs 7. Emila's Illustrated Blog 8. Metz - Empty Streets 9. The Spirit of Blogging 10. Speedcat Hollydale Page 11. Snapshot 12. purplefrogcat 13. Turn-u-Off 14. Simple Life 15. A Little Girl Talk 16. Life in the Lapadula House 17. Spicybugz World 18. The Mom With Brownies 19. Our High School Homeschool 20. Our Five Dangerous Boys 21. The Big Dog 22. LadyJava's Lounge 23. Moments of My Life 24. Life is too short to be ordinary 25. A Great Pleasure 26. Time Goes By 27. Life According To Me 28. Laketrees 29. This is a miracle 30. Porcelain Doll 31. Moms...CheckNyo 32. Wonderful Things In Life 33. Sweet Nothings 34. Hot Shit Form Here 35. Not Just a Mom Site 36. The Life of a Mom 37. Wiehanne Lounge 38. The Painted Veil 39. My Crossroads 40. Little Mermaid 41. LOVE's Haven 42. Also Mommy 43. The Journey 44. Comedy Plus 45. Making sense...(somehow) 46. The Modern Mom 47. Stay At Home Mom 48. Picture Clusters 49. Maiylah's Snippets 50. My Discoveries 51.YOU'RE Next!
I'm inviting everyone to join the fun!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008 | Labels: Tag | 1 Comments
Saturday Special: One Word to start a statement
2. Working on our Christmas party decoration.
3. Feeling exhausted and excited at the same time.
4. Having quality time with my daughter is always my goal every weekend.
More players here.

Saturday, December 06, 2008 | Labels: Saturday Special | 0 Comments
If Santa's Real
Do you believe in Santa Claus? I don’t, but I wish there is really a real Santa Claus who can grant wishes of every people on earth, young and old. When I was a child I thought Santa was real. That he goes down the chimney to put his gifts under our Christmas tree. I later realized that the persons who fill my Christmas stocking with lots of goodies are none other than, my parents. Right. Funny. How could they do that to me? Hahaha!!!
Anyway, Christmas is near. Do you got a wish? Let say Santa is real, and he can grant your wish immediately, what will you wish for? Hmmm…tough question, right? Well, It’s a challenging question, I know. As for me, I can’t think of anything aside from materials things, like the digital camera and Iphone that I’ve been dreaming about. This is because I know that the one thing I want could not fit in his sack of gifts…it can’t be bought. Only God can make it happen. But if it’s only that easy to sit on Santa’s lap and ask him something like what I did at Ceiva’s, it would be great.
Yes, I was able to sit on Santa’s lap and wished for an iphone, but alas, it’s not available. He offered me a digital frame instead, hahaha! But Ceiva’s digital frame is a nice gift for Christmas. I’ve never seen any other digital frame like this. Its sleek design captured my eyes and made me wished to receive one like this on Christmas as well.
Well, anyway the site is actually having a contest where contestants can win $500. You just need to watch Santa’s video, fill in the needed info, upload a photo and wait if you will be picked out from the random raffle draw. So visit here, and play the game. Who knows, you might be the lucky contestant.
Saturday, December 06, 2008 | Labels: Holidays | 1 Comments
Sad news...
I didn't win the BDJ contest, tsk tsk tsk..that means I have to buy one for my self...
then, my PR was gone! huhuhuhu!!!!!
Friday, December 05, 2008 | Labels: thinking out loud | 2 Comments
Blogger Personality Game
The Doers

Friday, December 05, 2008 | Labels: Blogging | 1 Comments

Friday, December 05, 2008 | Labels: work | 0 Comments
Friday Fill-Ins #101

1. Snow won't be seen in our country.
2. I'm looking forward to the long Christmas vacation.
3. Fried Chicken is the best easy to cook food ever!
4. One of my favorite old tv shows is Baywatch.
5. I'm done with sending our Christmas Party invitations. Next on the list is the Highlights of 2008 and video editing for the games...haayyy so much to do, yet so little time!
6. The most enjoyable thing around the holidays is the long vacation when we can bond with the whole family doing fun activities and enjoying delicious food!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching my fave TV show, tomorrow my plans include shopping for Christmas gifts and Sunday, I want to finish the Christmas Party decoration.
More fills ins here.

Friday, December 05, 2008 | Labels: Friday Fill-Ins | 3 Comments
It's December!
...and its 23 days before Christmas, wow...how soon time flies.
Have you noticed? Time passes by like a bullet. I'm not sure if its because I'm busy with lots of stuff or I'm getting old that's why time flies fast unlike when I was younger, or does it have something to do with God?
I'm not sure, I'll discover that later...
Anyway, for me the passing of time is an advantage. I really miss hubby and I can't wait for April 2009.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008 | Labels: thinking out loud | 0 Comments