37 weeks & some updates

Anyway, our hospital bags are already packed. I've started preparing things since last month so I won't forget anything. Two bags are packed for me and the baby. All the important documents are ready as well. For now, I'm still anxious but super excited. Everybody in the house is as excited as me to see baby #2!

Thursday, February 18, 2010 | Labels: Pregnancy | 0 Comments
Feb 14 means Love...
….and this day is a special day for lovers, couples, husbands and wives. Do you have any plans now on how you’ll celebrate the love day with your love one? I guess some are now planning a romantic dinner for two or a romantic get away somewhere…. Old fashioned? Well, I hope you were able to watched Rated K last Sunday. They featured unusual, different and creative ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day with an adventure. Some of these new dating adventures are the Zipline, Zoobic Safari (to have a live encounter with wild animals), and another one, (I forgot what it was called) where you and your date will be dropped down from a certain meter high, so fast that you will surely feel the thrill.
Forest adventure will be a click way to celebrate Valentines’ day here in the Philippines since summer is starting. But in some parts of the world where the place are still covered with ice, a ski date would be romantic. Pragelato in Italy or Lake Louise in Canada are just two of the most romantic ski destinations for ski holidays. Skiing is not just fun during Christmas season. Try it on Valentine’s day and I’m sure you and your love one will enjoy a warm, romantic date while surrounded with ice, lol!

Monday, February 08, 2010 | Labels: Tips | 0 Comments
Paris in Mega
This was taken last Thursday before going to the movie house to watch the premier of Dear John. My daughter wanted to have a picture taken here. She can already recognize a good spot for a picture, hehe. Nice noh? It's like Paris but inside a mall. I was wondering why the mall has this decoration, then I remembered that Paris is one of the world's romantic destination...well it's the Love Month!

Monday, February 08, 2010 | Labels: Family | 0 Comments
Baby Named After...what??

I just don’t understand why some mothers take for granted this area when having a child. Some will just think of a name right there and there (during labor or after giving birth). Or just thinking of a name (whatever comes first in their mind) in a snap, and that’s it.
I know a person whose passion was computer games. She would never fail to download games and play until morning. That’s how addicted she was even during pregnancy. So when she conceived, her passion came out by the name she gave to her child—Jubei (Final fantasy). I’m not saying that naming a child after a video game character is bad. We have our own differences and choices. I know there are a lot of video game characters our there with some crazy names--names that I personally would never. ever give to a REAL child. (I mean, hello, would you want your baby to be called Dekar or Sepiroth??)— But there are good ones too like Lara (Lara Croft) or Zelda of the Legend of Zelda which what Robin Williams named his daughter Zelda Williams.
Uhmm…Still undecided for your baby’s name? Well, chose wisely. Think about your passion, what influences you and of course the baby’s future if he carried the name you’re thinking of giving him.

Monday, February 08, 2010 | Labels: Pregnancy | 0 Comments
36 Weeks.

Last Saturday was the start of my weekly check up. I also had three kinds of test: urinalysis, HBaSg, and OGCT. Unfortunately, I didn't passed my OGCT. My sugar level is high that's why I need to undergo another test, this time it would be the OGTT. Sigh...another series of blood extraction. But I guess I have to do this for the baby's sake.
Anyway, I'm now weighed 56 kgs.! Quite big for my size. The baby's doing good (my OB said). Next week is another check up and the week after that is another ultrasound, then my scheduled operation. I can't wait to finally see him!

Sunday, February 07, 2010 | Labels: Pregnancy | 0 Comments
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