Using Public Toilets

Thursday, July 30, 2009 | Labels: Health | 0 Comments
8 weeks.
I'm eight weeks pregnant and according to here's my baby and my condition now:
How's your baby growing
See what's going on in your uterus this week. (Or see what fraternal twins look like in the womb this week.)
Note: Every baby develops a little differently — even in the womb. Our information is designed to give you a general idea of your baby's development.
How your life's changing:

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 | Labels: Baby #2, Pregnancy | 0 Comments
I'm back!
I'm excited and I hope that I'll get a smooth sailing journey.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 | Labels: Baby #2 | 0 Comments
Thursday Thunks #2
1. Do you know anyone with heterochromia? Does it freak you out or do you think it's interesting? I don't think I know someone, I don't even know what's heterochromia is :D
2. Should a 5th face be added to Mount Rushmore? If so, who? Obama? :D
3. If you could live on any planet other than earth, which one would you choose and why? If Pluto is livable maybe there, it's quite small than earth, perhaps it won't get too crowded.
4. We're going to spend the night at a reportedly haunted location, are you going with us? I'm scared....:D I won't
If so, which reportedly haunted place are we going?
5. Did you play The Queen's Meme this week? If so, was it fair of The Queen to put Berleen in the dungeon by association with Kimber? (We all know Kimber deserved it, but Berleen?!) Was not able to play the Queen's Meme, I cannot relate, lol!
6. What color is the towel(s) hanging in your bathroom? Pink and white.
7. Tell us something funny that happened to you recently. Oh..nothing funny happened lately...but the way the little girl talks everyday is something that make us laugh everyday.
8. We just bought you a cow. Do you kill it & grill it, feed it & milk it, or sell it? Feed and milk it first then sell it.
9. It's 115 degrees outside (46 degrees Celsius), are you able to go without Air Conditioning? No.....
10. When you visit the zoo do you wonder which animal tastes better with a bit of butter & spices? Eeew...I don't imagine eating them :D
11. Dog ate your homework/work papers. Does it crap out Shakespeare, quantum physics, or just crap? just crap..I don't work on papers lately
12. We are taking you to a broadway show, what are we going to see? Les Miserables or Ms. Saigon
13. Gunshots in your neighborhood. Pop, pop, pop. Do you go out to take a look, or hide? Hide first, when all is clear, I'll check what happened.
Join here.
Thursday, July 16, 2009 | Labels: Thursday Thunks | 0 Comments
Goodbye MJ...

I know this is quite late but my heart is still grieving after watching the memorial last night. I'm not a fan of Michael Jackson but I grew up with his music...and now I'm beginning to understand and appreciate his life and his contribution.
Two things I'm pondering about his death..One, we do not own our lives. Once God took it, we cannot hold it back. We may have plans for the future but God is still the author of our lives. And two, its really true that you only understand the value of a person once he's taken away from you. Jackson has gone through a lot of criticism but now he was being loved, praised and applaud.
He's now gone forever but his music and his memories will live on.
Good bye, Michael Joseph Jackson.....

Wednesday, July 08, 2009 | Labels: Life | 1 Comments
Creative Mom Award
A nice start of the week...Thanks for this award Vannie :)
Here are the simple rules:
- Take your award and put the logo on your post.
- Link the person who awarded you. Remember each recipient of the award should acknowledge the person who honored them and go to Mom’s Special Diary to copy and paste the award.
- Put your own blog title and link.
- Nominate at least five deserving moms.
1. Mom’s Special Diary 2. The Mommy Journey. 3. Niko’s Blog 4. Pensive Thoughts 5. Random WAHM Thoughts. 6. Blog Appetite 7. The Baby in Between 8. Fun|Fierce|Fabulous 9. My Discoveries 10. Your Blog
End Copy
I'm passing this on to Mai, Jona, Mye, Toni and Lilet.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009 | Labels: Tag | 3 Comments
Turning Dreams to Reality
This is one topic of Pro-tips from Ms. Maloi Malibiran-Salumbides that I want to share with you. How to turn dreams to reality. She used the word DREAMS as an acronym. Read on...
Appreciate small victories. When the uphill climb gets tough, celebrate the head way that you've made. Instead of fretting about what still needs to be done, be thankful for what has already been accomplished.

Friday, July 03, 2009 | Labels: Inspirational | 1 Comments
Thursday Thunks: #1
Where we make you think a little bit before you blog!
1. When you close a door, do you close it quick and just let it slam or do you hold the knob and slowly shut it tight? I hold the knob and gently close it. I don't like people slamming the door.
I don't like squash but If I'll be one I want me the sweetest one.

Thursday, July 02, 2009 | Labels: Thursday Thunks | 5 Comments